My Zen Master said 229:

“We hold the gem of our lives in the palms of our hands, Everyone. All we need do is open our palms to Creation and trust.” “Solid, My Zen Master! Solid!”

My Zen Master said 230:

“Patience pondering, Everyone, that is our task…no, not our task that is far too heavy a word…that is our pleasure this morning.” “Patience pondering pleasure, My Zen Master! The perfect title – the perfection and pleasure of patience pondering!” “Solid, Everyone!”

My Zen Master said 231:

“The immense personal power of practising ‘now’ – mindfulness – is not an empty promise, Everyone. “Though, Everyone, Mindfulness needs to be approached with caution. We are sensitive humans, and very sensitive to hurt, and being Mindful can make us more sensitive to hurt – not always, and not for everyone, but it can. “However, […]

My Zen Master said 232:

“The kitchen, Everyone, is a sacred room.” “Indeed, My Zen Master! And how would you recommend going about making it sacred and keeping it sacred?” “Ah, Everyone! Each and every-one of us needs to ponder that one, Everyone, because sacredness is a particularly individual concept. Though having said that, keeping one’s kitchen sacred is easier […]

My Zen Master said 233:

“Showing kindness by our actions, Everyone, is more powerful than any number of words could be.” “I understand, My Zen Master.” “And of course, Everyone, this is especially important with ourselves: showing kindness and love to ourselves.”

My Zen Master said 234:

“Today, Everyone, we will just be!” “Solid, My Zen Master! I have been practising just-being…not easy!” “Practice makes just-being, Everyone!”

My Zen Master said 235:

“Smile, Everyone! Smile when you wake up in the morning…smile with gratitude for a new day. Smile when you see a reflection of yourself in the mirror, or even in a shop window.” We both sat there and smiled at the glory of being alive. (Smiling, even forced smiling, produces a feel-good hormone in our […]

My Zen Master said 236:

“What does rain mean to us, Everyone? Not just the literal, of course!” “Of course, My Zen Master!”

My Zen Master said 237:

“Sometimes, Everyone, words are not enough.” “I agree, My Zen Master! What made you say that?” “I was pondering the immense power of being in the present moment; of taking life slowly…living a slow-motion film. Words are not enough!” “Solid, my Zen Master! I sense the immensity of your wisdom.”

My Zen Master said 238:

“Five-sense awareness, Everyone! It has to be!” I had asked My Zen Master what he considered to be the best way of de-stressing. “Best way, only way, Everyone!”